Spring: Does wealthy mean healthy?
We are currently updating our Spring Enquiry curriculum - come back soon to see what we will be up to!
A high-quality text drives each of our enquiries and the texts are used to give knowledge and purpose to the enquiry. High quality texts can only be accessed through knowledge of vocabulary in different tiers. Explicit teaching of new vocabulary and using the classroom environment to showcase key vocabulary helps us to infuse rich and sophisticated vocabulary from EYFS to Year 6. The texts are used as a stimulus for both English and cross curricular writing, ensuring high expectations of our children. Reading is interwoven into all aspects of the enquiry to encourage reading and language development and promote reading for pleasure.
Key Texts
In maths, we follow the Power Maths programme to support children’s learning and to build a deep understanding of maths concepts. Power Maths is a curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths. It is built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths.
This term we are covering the following:
Multiplication and Division
- Exploring multiplication as repeated addition and using arrays.
- Learning the 2, 5, and 10 times tables and understanding the relationship between multiplication and division.
- Solving one-step multiplication and division problems using objects, drawings, and mental methods.
- Understanding division as sharing and grouping, and solving problems involving equal groups.
- Interpreting and constructing simple tally charts and pictograms.
- Creating block diagrams and reading data presented in these forms.
- Solving one-step and two-step questions about data, such as comparing quantities and finding totals.
Geometry: Properties of Shape
- Identifying and describing 2D shapes (e.g., circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons) based on their properties.
- Recognizing and describing 3D shapes (e.g., cubes, spheres, cones, pyramids) and identifying edges, vertices, and faces.
- Exploring symmetry in 2D shapes and identifying symmetrical patterns.
- Sorting shapes based on their attributes and using Venn and Carroll diagrams.
- Recognizing, finding, and naming one-half, one-quarter, and three-quarters of an object, shape, or quantity.
- Understanding how fractions relate to division and equal parts.
- Using visual representations (e.g., shaded areas and number lines) to understand and compare simple fractions.
Measurement: Length and Height
- Measuring and comparing lengths using non-standard and standard units (centimetres and metres).
- Solving problems that involve comparing and ordering lengths and heights.
- Adding and subtracting lengths and recording the results accurately.
Problem Solving and Reasoning
- Applying knowledge of multiplication, division, shapes, and measurement to solve problems in different contexts.
- Developing reasoning skills through explaining methods and approaches to solving mathematical tasks.
- Engaging in collaborative activities to share strategies and solutions, encouraging deeper mathematical thinking.