Autumn: What lies beneath me and my world?
Our Enquiry
his Autumn Term, Year 3 pupils will embark on an exciting geographical adventure to explore the similarities and differences between Italy and the UK, focusing on the fascinating world of natural phenomena like volcanoes and earthquakes. As they journey through this enquiry, they will seek to answer the question: What lies beneath me and my world?
What will our young explorers discover?
Comparing Countries: Pupils will delve into the human and physical features of the UK and Italy, identifying what makes each country unique while uncovering the ways they are interconnected. Through engaging discussions, they’ll explore how geographical features influence the lives of people and communities.
Interdependence of Features: By examining examples of how human and physical features rely on one another, pupils will learn about the delicate balance between nature and human activity, enhancing their understanding of environmental stewardship.
Natural Disasters: Pupils will become mini-experts on natural disasters, explaining the causes and consequences of events like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. They’ll explore how these powerful forces of nature shape our world and impact lives.
Map Skills and Navigation: Through hands-on map activities, pupils will locate various countries and cities, describing their positions using the 8 points of a compass. They’ll hone their compass skills, becoming adept at navigating their surroundings.
Environmental Regions: Pupils will compare and contrast the different environmental regions of the UK with those of Italy, learning about climates, landscapes, and ecosystems that define each country.
Enhancing Learning Through PSHE and Science:
Who Am I?: In PSHE, pupils will reflect on their own identities, exploring what shapes them as individuals and what makes them unique. This thoughtful journey ties into the overarching question of What lies beneath me and my world?, fostering a sense of self-awareness and appreciation for diversity.
Rocks and Soils: In Science, pupils will investigate what lies beneath the Earth’s surface, learning about different types of rocks and soils. They’ll explore how these elements form the foundation of our planet and support life.
This engaging enquiry promises to ignite curiosity and inspire pupils as they connect geography, personal identity, and the natural world in meaningful ways!
Enquiry Knowledge mat
A high-quality text drives each of our enquiries and the texts are used to give knowledge and purpose to the enquiry. High quality texts can only be accessed through knowledge of vocabulary in different tiers. Explicit teaching of new vocabulary and using the classroom environment to showcase key vocabulary helps us to infuse rich and sophisticated vocabulary from EYFS to Year 6. The texts are used as a stimulus for both English and cross curricular writing, ensuring high expectations of our children. Reading is interwoven into all aspects of the enquiry to encourage reading and language development and promote reading for pleasure.
Key Texts
In maths we follow the Power Maths programme to support children’s learning and to build a deep understanding of maths concepts. Power Maths is a curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths. It is built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths.
This term we are covering the following:
Place Value
- Understanding the value of each digit in 3-digit numbers (up to 1,000).
- Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000.
- Counting in 50s, 100s, and 1000s.
- Finding 10 or 100 more or less than a given number.
- Reading and writing numbers in numerals and words.
Addition and Subtraction
- Adding and subtracting numbers with up to 3 digits using column methods.
- Estimating answers to addition and subtraction calculations using rounding.
- Solving problems involving addition and subtraction, including missing number problems.
- Understanding and applying inverse operations to check calculations.
Multiplication and Division
- Revisiting and reinforcing the 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
- Introducing and practicing the 3, 4, and 8 times tables.
- Understanding the relationship between multiplication and division.
- Solving simple multiplication and division problems using arrays and grouping.
- recognising and finding fractions of shapes and quantities (e.g., 1/2, 1/3, 1/4).
- Understanding unit and non-unit fractions.
- Comparing and ordering fractions with the same denominator.
- Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
- Measuring, comparing, and estimating lengths (m, cm, mm).
- Adding and subtracting lengths using appropriate units.
- Solving problems involving length and perimeter.
- Understanding the concept of perimeter and calculating it for simple shapes.
- Interpreting and presenting data using bar charts, pictograms, and tables.
- Solving one-step and two-step questions using data represented in bar charts and pictograms.
Problem Solving and Reasoning
- Applying mathematical concepts in various problem-solving contexts.
- Developing reasoning skills by explaining methods and justifying answers.
- Engaging in mathematical discussions to deepen understanding and build confidence.