Autumn: What can influence your destiny?
Our Enquiry
Get ready for an exciting exploration into the world of Geography, RE, and Science as we dive into the question: What Can Influence Your Destiny? By the end of this enquiry, pupils will become experts in understanding the differences between developed and developing countries, with a spotlight on Peru and the UK. They’ll discover how factors like economy, infrastructure, education, and health impact a nation’s growth and prosperity.
Geography: Mapping Development Pupilss will dig deep into what defines a country as developed or developing by exploring key indicators like GDP, industrialisation, and the Human Development Index (HDI). They'll use real-world data and examples to explain how countries evolve and grow, and they'll uncover the power of Fairtrade in creating better opportunities for farmers around the world. By studying Fairtrade's impact on communities in places like Peru, pupils will learn how even our own choices can make a positive difference for people thousands of miles away.
RE: Journeys and Justice Pupils will also look at the human stories behind migration, exploring the reasons why people have moved around the world, from escaping persecution during World War II to finding new opportunities. A visit from the Holocaust Museum will deepen their understanding, allowing them to reflect on the impact of such historical events on people’s lives.
PSHCE: Choices and Change Our young thinkers will explore the importance of celebrating differences and making choices that positively influence others. They’ll learn that while children’s rights are essential, not all children worldwide have access to the same opportunities. This will lead to important discussions about fairness, equality, and the drive for a better future.
Science: The Evolution of Life In Science, pupils will unlock the mysteries of evolution and adaptation, understanding how living things have changed over time and how genes influence our traits. They’ll explore how some characteristics are inherited and how these can affect life choices and health, highlighting the importance of making informed and positive lifestyle decisions.
This term’s enquiry promises to be a thought-provoking and engaging journey that empowers pupils to become global citizens, thinkers, and changemakers!
Y6 Enquiry Mat
A high-quality text drives each of our enquiries and the texts are used to give knowledge and purpose to the enquiry. High quality texts can only be accessed through knowledge of vocabulary in different tiers. Explicit teaching of new vocabulary and using the classroom environment to showcase key vocabulary helps us to infuse rich and sophisticated vocabulary from EYFS to Year 6. The texts are used as a stimulus for both English and cross curricular writing, ensuring high expectations of our children. Reading is interwoven into all aspects of the enquiry to encourage reading and language development and promote reading for pleasure.
Autumn Key English Texts

In maths we follow the Power Maths programme to support children’s learning and to build a deep understanding of maths concepts. Power Maths is a curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths. It is built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths.
This term we are covering the following:
Place Value and Number
- Reading, writing, and comparing numbers up to 10,000,000.
- Understanding and using place value for numbers up to 10 million.
- Rounding any whole number to a required degree of accuracy (e.g., nearest 10, 100, 1,000, etc.).
- Using negative numbers in context, such as temperature changes, and calculating intervals across zero.
Four Operations
- Performing multi-digit addition and subtraction using formal written methods.
- Developing fluency in long multiplication for up to 4-digit numbers multiplied by 2-digit numbers.
- Using long and short division to divide numbers up to 4 digits by 2-digit numbers, interpreting remainders as fractions, decimals, or rounding as appropriate.
- Solving multi-step problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a variety of contexts.
- Simplifying fractions and using equivalence to compare and order fractions.
- Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers using the concept of equivalent fractions.
- Multiplying fractions by whole numbers and by other fractions.
- Dividing fractions by whole numbers and understanding the concept of dividing fractions.
- Reading, writing, and comparing decimals up to three decimal places.
- Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth.
- Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals up to two decimal places.
- Converting between fractions, decimals, and percentages.
- Understanding percentages as fractions out of 100 and as decimals.
- Finding percentages of amounts and using them to solve problems.
- Linking fractions, decimals, and percentages, including converting between them.
Geometry - Position and Direction
- Using coordinates in all four quadrants to plot and describe positions.
- Drawing and translating simple shapes on the coordinate plane.
- Reflecting shapes in the axes and describing transformations.